Kaxil Kiuic: the Millsaps Biocultural Reserve Kaxil Kiuic: the Millsaps Biocultural Reserve

Kaxil Kiuic: the Millsaps Biocultural Reserve

Located in the Puuc region of Yucatan, Mexico and managed by Kaxil Kiuic A.C., the tropical forest reserve was developed and is supported by Millsaps College in Mississippi.

Sustaining an Ecologically and Culturally Rich Region

Kaxil Kiuic: the Millsaps Biocultural Reserve

Kaxil Kiuic Biocultural Reserve — also known as the Helen Moyers Biocultural Reserve — strives to sustain the environmental and cultural heritage and resources of the Yucatan's Puuc region. The reserve contains more than 4,000 acres of dry tropical forest that is home to some of the Yucatan's most diverse and abundant flora and fauna. It also houses Kiuic, an ancient Maya center, and the reserve's two learning and research facilities. The reserve's work falls into three broad categories: education, research, and communities.

As an extension of Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, Kaxil Kiuic offers students a broad range of field-based learning opportunities in archeology and biology, and it hosts programming for local and international students at the K-12, college, and university levels. The reserve also partners with state and local research institutions as well as government entities to provide a deeper understanding of the region and produce research that plays a critical role in guiding regional development. Kaxil Kiuic is committed to doing this important work in concert with the expertise, experience, and insight of local communities.

GRoW Support

