Instituto Augusto Carneiro Instituto Augusto Carneiro

Instituto Augusto Carneiro

The nongovernmental protection organization in Rio Grande du Sol, Brazil supports ecologically sustainable, socially just, and economically viable initiatives.

Building Sustainable Practices in Brazil

Instituto Augusto Carneiro

Instituto Augusto Carneiro was established in 2010, informed by the teachings of environmentalists Augusto Carneiro and José Lutzenberger, who sounded warnings in the 1970s about the ecological and humanitarian consequences of climate change. Today, the organization approaches environmental conservation and preservation by reconciling and addressing the multifaceted interests of communities, government entities, and businesses. Through this approach, Instituto Augusto Carneiro develops initiatives that promote sustainable development and improve the quality of life for local communities.

The organization focuses on protecting endangered species and habitats, advocating for the strategic and sustainable use of natural resources, promoting the development of green spaces and access to public transport in urban communities, and building an environmental library to foster knowledge-sharing in the state of Rio Grande du Sol. Instituto Augusto Carneiro is guided by a board and council composed of environmental professionals who have fought on the frontlines of  conservation, sustainable development, and education for decades.

GRoW Support


Operations - Full-Time Marine Conservation Activist


Operations - Full-Time Marine Conservation Activist