Center for Public Integrity Center for Public Integrity

Center for Public Integrity

The Washington, D.C.-based nonpartisan newsroom investigates democracy, power, and privilege.

Examining the Influence of Inequality

Center for Public Integrity

Established in 1989, the Center for Public Integrity is one of the oldest and largest nonprofit news organizations in the United States. Established by journalist Charles Lewis, Public Integrity examines the impact of money on the widening inequality of our democratic systems. Conversely, the organization also studies the ways in which laws and policies emanating from Washington, D.C. affect inequity at the state and local levels. To accomplish this, Public Integrity frequently collaborates with local and national newsrooms. Its Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting has sizably impacted government entities and corporations alike, altering countless laws and policies, pressuring government offices to release information of critical value to the public, and holding corporations accountable for abuses of power.

GRoW Support


Charles Lewis Special Projects Fund


Charles Lewis Special Projects Fund


Charles Lewis Special Projects Fund