Time for Change Foundation Time for Change Foundation

Time for Change Foundation

The California-based nonprofit organization provides disenfranchised women and children with housing and an array of wraparound services.

Building Homes Out of Hope

Time for Change Foundation

Time for Change Foundation was established in 2002 to address the complex consequences of California's emerging housing crisis and mass incarceration system. The foundation uses trauma-informed, evidence-based approaches to serve and empower underserved women and children transitioning out of homelessness and recidivism, creating self-sufficient families, and thriving communities.

The foundation's first priority is to provide women and children with a continuum of housing options: emergency shelter, permanent-supportive, and affordable. Time for Change pairs these housing options with case management, reentry services, independent living skill development, financial literacy training, family reunification programs, mental health and wellness services, legal assistance, workforce development, and transportation. The goal of these interconnected services is to break the cycles of poverty, homelessness, and incarceration, and empower individuals to transition into stable, safe, independent housing conducive to the well-being of adults and youth.

GRoW Support


General Operating Support


The Black and Brown Opportunities for Profit Center


General Operating Support