Children's Institute Children's Institute

Children's Institute

The Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization strives to protect and serve the needs of the city's most vulnerable children through a holistic blend of health, education, and familial programming.

Giving Children the Chance They Deserve

Children's Institute

Children's Institute began in 1906 as the Big Sister League, created to help troubled young women in Los Angeles. In the 1960s, the mission of the organization began to expand, and in 1980, the Big Sister League became Children's Institute International (CII). Today, CII serves Los Angeles youth made vulnerable by family and community violence and poverty.

CII offers a network of services aimed at combatting a variety of issues facing children and teenagers, including mental health, early care and education, child welfare, family support, and youth development. This programming aims to provide youth with the support and resources that they need to overcome the many barriers associated with violence and poverty, clearing a path to academic and personal success. Additionally, CII's Leadership Center trains more than 9,000 professionals every year in the field of children and family services, ensuring the longevity of this critical work.

GRoW Support


General Operating Support 


General Operating Support