GO Campaign GO Campaign

GO Campaign

The international nonprofit organization in Santa Monica, California works with small yet powerful grassroots groups to increase access and opportunity for orphans and other vulnerable children across the globe.

Bettering the Lives of Children Through Grassroots Efforts

GO Campaign

The GO Campaign was established in 2006 on the belief that "every child deserves the right to opportunity." Although the organization was initially founded to serve children outside the United States, in 2012, the GO Campaign expanded to serve orphans and vulnerable children living in underserviced areas in the U.S. By partnering with "local heroes" across the world, GO Campaign strives for a more equitable, accessible, and fair place for orphans and other vulnerable children by supporting organizations focused on four key areas: education and vocation training, health and safety, care for orphans, and enrichment. By providing critical resources and opportunities to youth across the globe, the GO Campaign endeavors to have a tangible positive impact by empowering larger communities, one organization at a time.

GRoW Support


General Operating Support - 

US Operations


General Operating Support


General Operating Support


General Operating Support


General Operating Support


General Operating Support


General Operating Support