Grameen America Grameen America

Grameen America

The New York City-based nonprofit organization provides microloans to women below or near the poverty line to start or maintain small businesses, helping them to transform their lives.

Photo credit: Gregory Annenberg Weingarten

Empowering Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs

Grameen America

Grameen America was founded in 2008 by Nobel Peace Prize recipient Muhammad Yunus with the goal of alleviating poverty and elevating women and communities across the country. The organization's model to achieve this goal is both practical and innovative: Women create a team with four other individuals, undergo a week of training, and each participant receives a microloan to build her small business. This model is supplemented by weekly support meetings with Grameen staff.

Upon repayment of the initial microloan, Grameen participants may opt to receive larger loans to help expand their businesses.  Ninety-nine percent of loans distributed are repaid. Since its establishment, Grameen America has provided more than $3.8 billion in support to nearly 190,000 women.  

GRoW Support


General Operating Support