Young Musicians Foundation Young Musicians Foundation

Young Musicians Foundation

The nonprofit organization provides free musical instruction for underserved youth in the greater Los Angeles region.

Elevating Equity in Musical Education

Young Musicians Foundation

Young Musicians Foundation (YMF) was established in 1955 by pianist and educator Sylvia Kunin, who believed in music's potential to change lives and unite people, and who advocated that access to music should be equitable for all. YMF continues Kunin's legacy and commitment to providing music education in the name of social justice.

Throughout the year, YMF provides weekly music instruction throughout the school year to more than 5,000 pre-K to adult students at no cost. The organization partners with 28 schools and sites in the L.A. area, particularly in underserved communities that lack the infrastructure to maintain arts programming. Through classes in instrumental music, vocal music, and music technology, students gain exposure to educational opportunities and live performance events. In addition, YMF operates the Community Music Academy at its Cypress Park facility, which serves as a gathering space for community members. YMF also partners with Homeboy Industries to serve formerly gang-involved, recently incarcerated adults. These impactful programs offer youth and adults authentic engagements with the transformative power of music.

GRoW Support


General Operating Support