The Providence Athenaeum The Providence Athenaeum

The Providence Athenaeum

The Rhode Island-based member-supported library preserves an impressive, three-century collection of rare and contemporary literature and hosts panels with prominent writers and thinkers.


Promoting the Advancement of Learning

The Providence Athenaeum

The Providence Athenaeum was founded in 1836 after a previous Providence Athenaeum (established in 1831) and the Providence Library Club (1853) dissolved and formed a new library with those collections. Named the Athenaeum, the institution changed its name to the Provide Athenaeum in 1852. Two years after its opening, the Providence Atheneum moved into is current location on historic Benefit Street in downtown Providence. 

The library's collection grew considerably in the 19th century, and includes such acquisitions as the Description de l'Egypte, an oversize 23-volume set detailing Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, and first editions of works by Charles Dickens, Jonathan Swift, Herman Melville, and Louisa May Alcott. The collection is focused on literature (especially 19th century British and American authors), history, biography, travel, fine arts, and natural sciences. The library also houses an eclectic art and artifact collection featuring more than 150 sculptures, paintings, and archival documents ranging from the 18th century to present day.


derives its lineage from ancient European libraries and communities and from the American ideals of self-reliance and community service (the term 'athenaeum' descends from the Roman emperor Hadrian's first intellectual organization founded in A.D. 133). Since its origin in Providence, the Athenaeum library has been open to the public and welcomes conversation, debate, and a love of learning. The library's wide-ranging collection – comprised of rare and contemporary literature – covers nearly three centuries of compositions. Along with hosting authors, poets, and film presentations, the Athenaeum possesses an eclectic art and artifact collection comprised of over 150 sculptures, paintings, and archival documents ranging from the eighteenth century to the present day, with the mission to "enrich the mind, inspire the spirit, and elevate the public discourse."

GRoW Support


General Operating Support