The Ed Agency The Ed Agency

The Ed Agency

The Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization addresses the social, emotional, and ability barriers to education that students from underserved communities face, seeking to ensure that all students are able to access the resources that they need to attain success.

Eliminating Barriers to Success in the Classroom

The Ed Agency

Educator Adrian Acosta founded the Ed Agency in 2012, recognizing the need for a Los Angeles institution that puts children above profit and redefines education. To this end, the Ed Agency provides educational support in communities with low-performing schools, offering three primary services: Ed Agents, Educational Counseling, and Community Resiliency Model (CRM) sessions to support student success.  
The Ed Agent Program is the core service provided to students in grades 4 to 9 and their families: Ed Agents work directly with students to help them be at their best academically, socially, and emotionally, and they ensure that parents or caregivers can connect to essential resources in the community. In partnership with the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health and Children's Institute on the Innovations 2 Project for South Los Angeles, the Educational Counseling service focuses on prevention-oriented services to reduce the degree of trauma experienced by many students. The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) sessions introduce participants to six essential wellness skills and help them to use a skills-based approach to identify and understand the impact of trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system. 

Through collaboration with families and other support organizations, the Ed Agency has been assisting children by prioritizing the removal of barriers in  addressing mental health and wellness in primary education and providing access to effective educational opportunities.   

GRoW Support


General Operating Support


General Operating Support

Holiday Programming


general operating support

Holiday Programming


General operating support