National Wildlife Refuge Association National Wildlife Refuge Association

National Wildlife Refuge Association

The Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization cultivates national support for the protection of the 850 million-plus acres of American land and water that comprise the National Wildlife Refuge System.


Protecting and Promoting America's Wildlife Heritage for Future Generations

National Wildlife Refuge Association

The National Wildlife Refuge Association is committed to protecting the world's largest network of lands and water, advocating for all types of wildlife conservation efforts and monitoring for policies and legislation that might undermine vital conservation efforts. The National Wildlife Refuge Association works in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as well as other conservation organizations — including outdoor recreation interests, habitat protection and restoration groups, and government agencies — to achieve the most effective change.

The organization's approach to conservation encompasses three vital areas: building conservation constituencies, advocating for wildlife conservation with decision-makers, and conducting on-the-ground collaborative conservation with the National Wildlife Refuge System and landowners. By engaging both citizens and the government, the National Wildlife Refuge Association — the only national advocacy organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the National Wildlife Refuge System — creates a holistic approach to conservation. 

GRoW Support


Block Island Program