FACE Foundation FACE Foundation

FACE Foundation

The New York City-headquartered nonprofit organization supports Franco-American relations through inventive cultural, artistic, and educational programs.

Fostering Collaboration Between Creative Professionals from France and the United States

FACE Foundation

Founded on the principle of connecting French and American culture, FACE Foundation (French-American Cultural Exchange Foundation) is a leading organization in cultural diplomacy. Working with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, FACE Foundation champions artistic, literary, and educational exchange and collaboration between the two countries.

With offices in 10 U.S. cities, FACE Foundation administers grant programs in the performing and visual arts, cinema, translation, and education. In addition, it offers funding to French-American festivals and other cultural initiatives. FACE Foundation's latest programmatic endeavor is Villa Albertine, which promotes dialogue between France and the U.S. through artist-in-residence programs in cities across America.

GRoW Support


Project Support - Villa Albertine


Project Support - Villa Albertine