Point Lobos State Natural Reserve Point Lobos State Natural Reserve

Point Lobos State Natural Reserve

The stunning Northern California coastal reserve is praised as "the crown jewel of the California State Park system." 

Preserving a Coastal Treasure and Inspiring Visitors

Point Lobos State Natural Reserve

Welcoming more than 1 million viewers every year, Point Lobos State Natural Reserve boasts one of the country's most ecologically rich marine habitats and picturesque coastal settings. Indigenous people referred to Point Lobos as Isxhenta and considered it to be a sacred place of exceptional beauty, while California painter Francis McComas once praised this U.S. National Natural Landmark as "the greatest meeting of land and water in the world."

Although it has been the site of industrial activities ranging from quarries to canneries, Point Lobos — which is now a State Natural Reserve — has made an impressive recovery. The park offers unrivaled sightseeing, nature study, picnicking, scuba diving, hiking, and jogging as well as distinctive geological formations, unusual plant communities, and vibrant sealife.

The Point Lobos Foundation, which grew out of the Point Lobos Natural History Association (PLNHA), guards the natural treasures of Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. In addition to maintaining the Point Lobos facilities, the membership organization fills the gaps in funding for trail maintenance and repair as well as the restoration of wildlife habitat. 



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General Operating Support


General Operating Support